Category Archives: Other random stuff

Other random stuff that doesn’t really fit anywhere else

More lightbox photos…

I’ve been playing around with my home-made lightbox (see earlier post), and have been taking pictures of some flowers that I got (with permission!) from my parent’s garden. I’m no horticulturist (and not much of a photographer, either!), but here are a couple of examples. Let me know what you think. Any photographers out there, please feel free to give a critique and suggestions – I am very much learning as I go.

Cornflower 2

On the blog again…

I thought it was time to revisit my blog – look out for some more pictures from the light box soon!

I’m also having a play with linking this blog with my twitter feed – doing some research for another project that I am about to get involved in…


After seeing a former colleague’s photos on facebook, I thought I would have a go at making a light tent. I followed the instructions here:, which were dead easy and didn’t require anything more complicated than cutting and sticking!

Here’s what it looks like:

Home-made light tent
Home-made light tent

It’s not pretty, for sure, but it is quite effective. I’ve been using it to take pictures of a couple of watches that I own. Here are a couple of examples:

Winegartens incabloc
Winegartens incabloc
Custom-made left-hand wind
Custom-made left-hand wind

Life after Adobe

Adobe decided at the end of Q4 2008 that in order to save money, it was going to cut 8% of the global workforce. Unhappily, this included all the members of the team that I was working with in London. It’s been a real blow to part company with some really great people – we’ve been through a lot together. Hopefully we’ll manage to keep in touch and with a bit of luck, our paths will cross again.
I’m trying to stay positive – after all, there are worse things that happen in life!

A new start…

Hello! Welcome to my new website / bloggy thing. I kind of gave up on the old site – it was too complicated and I rather lost the will to keep it maintained and up to date. I tried using Mambo and Joomla, and whilst they could do tons of stuff, they were just a bit over the top. I’ve made the switch to WordPress and hopefully it will prove to be simpler and less scary to use.

I’ve got a bunch of photos and things to post, so watch this space!